Conservative Poker Fan in "The Biz"

Saturday, September 25, 2004

What's that frequency again?

CBS News was, well...caught by surprise recently when some memos they had used on 60 Minutes II turned out to be fakes. Actually, it turns out CBS are the only ones that aren't sure the memos are faked; they have their crack two person blue ribbon panel investigating the "incident."

I think Mark Steyn came up with the best possible explanation for Dan Rather risking his career and reputation on a bunch of Microsoft Word documents; maybe Rather's noggin' took a slightly harder blow than we all thought when he was mugged back in the mid '80's. You remember, Rather told everyone he was mugged and the assailant kept asking "What's the frequency, Kenneth?!"

In this case, the frequency of attacks on President Bush by the mainstream media and their absolute willingness to believe the worst about the President has finally caught up with them.