Conservative Poker Fan in "The Biz"

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Who hijacked the dictionary?!

Suddenly, some frat hazing level abuse of Iraqi prisoners is being called torture. All this coming from Italy, the birthplace of fascism, of all places.

You want torture? Try this on for size. These animals have the audacity to declare that they performed this act of barbarism in retaliation for some photos of naked Iraqi men being piled on top of each other with hoods over their heads.

As has been said over and over, what the American Guardsman did was stupid and embarassing. To compare what they did with the treatment that so many hundreds of thousands of people suffered at the hands of Saddam Hussein is simply appalling.

And the most appalling of all those decrying the United States at this time is the American Left. Not only are the wrong in equating this latest "scandal" with torture, they are doing so in order to win political points. Putting our troops in harms way so they can grab some power is disgusting.