Conservative Poker Fan in "The Biz"

Thursday, September 30, 2004

The Media Cracks Me Up

The MSM (mainstream media for those not accustomed to "blogspeak") has the reputation, I think rightly earned, of being liberal in large part. There are many examples of this bias, but I find this one most telling:

Fox's rise to prominence has been viewed with alarm by its detractors who see the network as the flagship of a resurgent right-wing media machine, backed on the radiowaves by ultra-conservative talk show hosts and in print by newspapers like the Murdoch-owned New York Post.

Now, not only does the article show it's bias by using terms like "right-wing media machine" and "ultra-conservative," it uses these terms in regards to the Fox News Channel! What is hilarious is the assumption that the dinosaur MSM makes up the center; a neutral, fact collecting group of organizations. Their bias to the left makes it inevitable that they'd see anything, anything, more centrist then they are as being part of a vast right wing conspiracy, to use a certain Senator's term.

The fact that Fox tilts center-right in it's reporting isn't what the problem is; the problem is that the rest of the MSM is tilted so far left, yet considers itself centered, that the slight leanings to the right of Fox are seen as evidence that Fox is somehow illegitimate, their news gathering assumed to be handouts from the Bush administration.

When a news organization can't even report on another news organization's strength without bias, there are serious problems that need fixing.