Conservative Poker Fan in "The Biz"

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

An Interesting Piece with Michael Moore

Evan Coyne Maloney runs the great web site Brain Terminal. Evan has the most unique take in blogging in that much of his site actually has videos that he has taken himself then edited for presentation on his web site. This video, in which he scores a coup by interviewing Michael Moore on the street, asks a very interesting question up front, yet in the end the realization that Evan comes upon, strangely enough with help from Michael Moore, is surprisingly simple, yet powerful.

Conservatives need to stop whining about the liberal bias in Hollywood and instead work through that bias and create conservative films and TV shows that are so good, not even the liberals running Hollywood can turn them down. Moore actually agrees with this and uses his own experience of just going out there and making a good film to help Evan come to this realization.

Moore's views are so out of whack as to be dangerous, which is a shame because, judging from this video, he would appear to be a pretty nice guy otherwise. When it comes to world affairs, however, you simply cannot tolerate the "nice" guy that will do the country damage, a la Jimmy Carter.