Conservative Poker Fan in "The Biz"

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

The Reality of Fallujah

An excellent point in the presentation of the war by the administration has been written by Robert Kaplan. For the short form, must read part, visit Powerline here.

By focusing on Fallujah, which is what the media would hope to make the poster child for all the reasons why President Bush shouldn't be re-elected, Kaplan makes a very compelling argument for the need in the military of, in essence, a P.R. division that would be able to explain clearly why we are succeeding in the various missions being carried out. Remember watching the images of the SMART bombs being seemingly driven into a specific building? I know I was in awe, and it made it very easy to believe the reports we heard of less than usual civilian casualties, etc. That kind of presentation should become the norm.