So what did Sadam do, cuddle?!
I get very, very angry when people ascribe to America those things that it is so obviously trying to fight.
The Powerline folks, in this post, take the appropriate action of highlighting a few people who must live in a parallel universe.
If the U.S. is currently humiliating and causing suffering of the Iraqi people, as this group of Einsteins is apologizing for, what in the world do you call what Sadam did to the Iraqi people?!
The left has, for quite some time now, engaged in using language to describe the opposition that is so far over-the-top as to be funny; except it's not funny. Recent examples include Al Gore's "digital brown shirt" comments (among many others), and now it's manifesting itself in the urge to apologize to the Iraqi people for freeing them from the brutal, despicable dictatorship of Sadam and almost guaranteed suffering for another generation or more under the rule of his psycho sons.
When did it become necessary to apologize for freeing a nation of 25 million from a homicidal tyrant? I'll tell you when; when the French and Germans don't say it's okay to do so. This is what will happen should we allow America to be subject to "global tests." We'll end up apologizing for spreading liberty.