Some Countries Are Choosing
In this post, I mention the thought put forward by Hugh Hewitt that countries involved with terrorism will have two choices according the The Bush Doctrine, the Saddam option or the Qadafi option.
Recent events, I believe, show a measurable move towards the Qaddafi option by some countries. Lebanon is actually rebelling against one of the countries that has to decide, and so far Syria is playing ball. True, Hezbollah was able to muster 500,000 "protestors" (I'm of the belief that a lot of those people were brought in from Syria), but the freedom lovers responded with at least 800,000 of their own. Now word is that the Syrian secret service is, indeed, moving out of Lebanon with the armed forces, which is crucial if the elections in May are to be held with any kind of real meaning.
As Jon Stewart of the Daily Show has even acknowledged, the Bush Doctrine for the Middle East is working. Iraq has a parliamentary government in place that is negotiating with words over the makeup of the new government, Syria is pulling out of Lebanon, Qaddafi has disarmed, and the Palestinians are actually talking peace with Israel.
This could get good.